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Last first day of SENIOR YEAR!


We are so excited to have you for the second semester of this school year!

Welcome to this class and to our class site! I will periodically post on this blog to inform classes and parents of anything exciting or new going on in our classroom. I can also use this blog to post interesting articles or readings for related to class discussions in case anyone's interests are peaked by a certain topic and they want to learn more! At the end of the day, I'm open to suggestions on what this blog can turn into for the class!

ON THE SITE... you will be able to find websites and videos that we've watched in class, important documents, updates and due dates, and contact information if you ever have an issue.

This is another resource for you to use! Take advantage of it!

Let me know if there is anything I can add on here to help you succeed!

Looking forward to a wonderful semester,

Ms. Rathgeb and Ms. Mariano

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